Document Type : Letter to Editor


Emergency Medicine Department, Fujairah Hospital, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates


Cellulitis is treated with antibiotics as routine management and based on the literature the cellulitis hospitalization can be avoided by 11% if appropriate antibiotics are used.1 Randomized clinical trials and Cochrane reviews have suggested that oral antibiotics are non-inferior to intravenous administration (1). We would like to highlight here the unrequired use of intravenous antibiotics in cellulitis. Intravenous antibiotics are recommended in patients with sepsis. This is supported by a study done on 1800 patients with cellulitis diagnosis, where one third of patients were hospitalized


Main Subjects

1. Pallin DJ, Camargo CA Jr, Schuur JD. Skin infections and antibiotic stewardship: analysis of emergency department
prescribing practices, 2007-2010. West J Emerg Med. 2014;15(3): 282-9. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2013.8.18040.
2. Stevens DL, Bisno AL, Chambers HF, Dellinger EP, Goldstein EJ, Gorbach SL, et al. Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of skin and soft tissue infections: 2014 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis.2014; 59(2): e10-52. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu444.
3. Li HK, Agweyu A, English M, Bejon P. An unsupported preference for intravenous antibiotics. PLoS Med. 2015; 12(5):
e1001825. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001825.
4. Kaji AH, Schriger D, Green S. Looking through the retrospectoscope: reducing bias in emergency medicine chart
review studies. Ann Emerg Med. 2014; 64(3): 292-8. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2014.03.025.
5. Yadav K, Gatien M, Corrales-Medina V, Stiell I. Antimicrobial treatment decision for non-purulent skin and soft tissue
infections in the emergency department. CJEM. 2017; 19(3):175-80. doi: 10.1017/cem.2016.347.