Document Type : short communication


1 colorectal fellowship, shiraz university of medical sciences, department of colorectal surgery

2 Colorectal Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

3 Department of Surgery, Colorectal Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Epidemiology (By Research) Gastroenterohepatology Research Center Internal Medicine Research Institute Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

5 Department of Surgery, School of Medicine Colorectal Research Center Shahid Faghihi Hospital Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

6 colorectal fellowship Department of Surgery, School of Medicine Colorectal Research Center Shahid Faghihi Hospital Shiraz University of Medical Sciences


Objective: Total proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) has become the restorative procedure of choice for medically refractory ulcerative colitis (UC). In patients who undergo proctocolectomy with IPAA, fecal continence outcomes are an issue. The present study evaluated fecal incontinence in patients who underwent IPAA for UC.
Methods: This was a case series study. We reviewed the clinical records of all patients who had undergone a proctocolectomy with IPAA for UC at the Colorectal Department of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran, between January 2010 and December 2022. Each patient completed a Cleveland Clinic Florida Fecal Incontinence Scoring System (CCFFIS) questionnaire to evaluate fecal incontinence one year after the closure of the colostomy. Data analysis was conducted utilizing various statistical measures such as mean, count (percentage), chi-square, and one-way ANOVA tests. The entire analysis was performed using SPSS 26 software. P values less than 0.05 were deemed statistically significant.
Results: From January 2010 to December 2022, 159 patients who underwent IPAA surgery were included in the study. Of these patients, 108 (67.9%) had no complaint about fecal incontinence (score 0). The median CCFFIS score was 2.19, and there were no significant differences between gender, age, technique, and number of procedures regarding fecal incontinence (P values 0.475,0.125, 0.319, and 0.376, respectively).
Conclusion: This study confirmed that total proctocolectomy with IPAA is a complex surgery that could have good functional results if patients are selected carefully and an experienced surgeon performs the procedure.


Main Subjects

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