Document Type : Letter to Editor


1 Neurosurgeon-Critical Care, RED LATINO. Latin American Trauma & Intensive Neuro-Care Organization, Bogota, Colombia

2 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

3 Department of Radiology, National Autonomous Universitiy of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

4 Department of Radiology Hospital, General Dr. Manuel Gea González, Mexico City, Mexico

5 Department of Internal Medicine, National Autonomous Universitiy of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

6 National Autonomous Universitiy of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

7 Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia


Scuba diving is associated with an important risk of devel­oping decompression sickness secondary to formation of gas bubbles inside the body. The latter is formed mainly by nitrogen in the body on the diver’s way to the surface (1,2). In some cases, it might injure the central nervous system. Several decompression cases that have been asso­ciated with neurologic symptoms are described in the lit­erature; however, brain multi-infarct with lethal outcome has never been described.


Main Subjects

1. Goldhahn RT Jr. Scuba diving deaths: a review and approach for the pathologist. Leg Med Annu 1977; 1976: 109-32.
2. Landsberg PG. South African underwater diving accidents, 1969-1976. S Afr Med J 1976; 50(55): 2155-59.
3. Klingmann C, Gonnermann A, Dreyhaupt J, Vent J, Praetorius M, Plinkert PK. Decompression illness reported in a survey of 429 recreational divers. Aviat Space Environ Med 2008; 79(2): 123-8. doi:10.3357/ASEM.2126.2008.
4. Jankowski LW, Tikuisis P, Nishi RY. Exercise effects during diving and decompression on postdive venous gas emboli. Aviat Space Environ Med 2004; 75(6): 489-95.
5. Chojdak-Łukasiewicz J, Dziadkowiak E, Bladowska J, Paradowski B. Vertebral artery dissection and stroke after scuba diving. Neurol India 2014;; 62(6): 711. doi:10.4103/0028-3886.149455.