Document Type : Original Article


1 Road Traffic Injury Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

2 Internal Medicine Department, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

4 Student Research Committee, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran


Objective: Trauma is a disease of modern societies and one of the reasons for the deaths of all ages in those societies. It is estimated that each year about 8.5 million people worldwide lose their lives as a result of trauma. Among the types of injuries around the world, road accidents are more common. We conducted this study to compare types of trauma in different seasons in patients referred to Imam Reza hospital trauma center in 2013.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all trauma patients admitted to Trauma Emergency Department of Imam Reza hospital in Tabriz entered the study. As this study did not focus on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, we used epidemiological data from history and physical examination as a source. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used for data analysis. All data were analyzed using SPSS version 15.0.
Results: Of all 23 876 patients, 18 044 patients (75.6%) were male and 5832 (24.4%) were female. The prevalence of majority of trauma cases was 11.2% (2671) and occurred in September. Traffic accidents were the most common cause of trauma in patients with a prevalence of 33.9% (8095). Head injury had a prevalence of 38.6%. We did not find any correlation between age of patients, gender, type of injuries and the affected limb.
Conclusion: Findings showed that trauma is more prevalent among males and younger people. Thus, proper planning and stringent traffic rules can reduce accident rate.


Main Subjects

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